Kleopatra's Productions
Koko Kilpatrick's Hit Records Currently
Airing in Worldwide Broadcast. Plans & Preparations Underway.

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Kleopatra's Productions -

In production studios at Kleopatra's.

Album In The MIX (2004)
"I Want You"
Artist-Koko Kilpatrick
Long tedious hours were put into the production of I Want you. Project is the process of mixing. As soon as it's complete it will be released.

Soon The Awaited Masterpiece !!

The New Sensual Album "I Want You"
Featuring- Koko Kilpatrick
Release Date: Coming Soon
History 2000- To 2001
Producers Collaborate

Legendary Steven Washington creator of the group "SLAVE" teams up with Koko Kilpatrick at Kleopatra's recording studios in 2000. They met in 1995 & have worked together ever since. Many months of labour producing, writting, & mixing from this talented duo. This union of music in which the two scored, created a power house, giving place for her unusual voice.

Steven inspired Koko to keep up the hard work of writing and producing even during the mist of his travels as he comuted from NY to New Jersey.

"Koko you just don't know how good you are." ~S.W.
"She is one of the most talented producer / entertainers I have known in the recording Industry." ~,A.C.
"The Hardest working woman in showbusiness."~,S.W.

Phat Producers Koko & Steven Merge together,collaborating on some of the projects.

Location Kleopatra's Productions.